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The Cherry Credits Business site required a visual update, improved content flexibility, and a website that can be scaled with ease, rather than constantly fixing issues.


The previous website had several issues that needed to be addressed, such as being non-responsive on mobile devices, slow loading times, outdated design, unattractive to potential merchants and distributors, and numerous UI and visual problems due to its age.

There are too many UI and visual problems on the webpage, as it was created more than 20 years ago.


With that in mind, we agreed the priority was to focus on basic core information features to let the merchants and content distributors know about Cherry Credits, their key features, workflows, integration, and others marketing elements that we knew would meet their needs.


We were given 3 weeks to redesign, coding and launch the site.



Frontend Developer

UX UI Designer


Mobile responsive, Loading faster, at the same time maintain Cherry branding.


I'm the UI UX Designer for this project.

As part of Cherry Credits' re-design, they sought guidance on selecting and pairing fonts for their brand across both web and print collateral. As the UX and UI designer, I played a critical role in creating style board explorations to guide the decision-making process.


Some of the font decisions have been made, while Arial was a reliable and legible typeface for the brand's websites, we decided to change the typeface to give the revamped site a fresh look and feel. After considering several alternatives, including Nunito Sans and Gotham, we settled on Montserrat. Montserrat captured the spirit of Gotham while also feeling more relaxed and exclusive. The typeface was chosen because it had more character than Arial, yet felt simpler and more accessible than Gotham.


The stakeholders agreed that Montserrat was the perfect typeface to be rolled out across all Cherry Credits' digital and print collateral.

Primary colours

Secondary colours


As for the user of this project, most likely are content partners and distribution partners.

To clarify the services provided by Cherry Credits to content partners and distribution partners, a variety of solutions and integrations have been listed. Additionally, Cherry Credits offers marketing services, 100% fraud protection, and other value-added services to its users.


To help users understand the benefits of using Cherry Credits, the key features of the service have been highlighted, and testimonials have been included to build trust and credibility. These features and testimonials have been carefully selected to ensure that users are convinced of the value of Cherry Credits and feel confident in using the service.

Onboarding Flow

Our onboarding flow page has been designed to cater to the needs of our target audience.


For potential business partners, we've created a dedicated section highlighting some of our prominent content and distribution partners. We've also included a tagline that succinctly summarizes the value Cherry Credits can bring to businesses.


To encourage engagement, we've added a call-to-action that directs users to a brand new corporate page.

Custom Design 

Overall, by combining simple visuals and text, the illustration which I have created can effectively convey the message to the audience while such as illustration that promoting the various payment methods available through Cherry Credit.


Add a Value Proposition

The previous Cherry Credits Business wasn't much indication on the a value proposition, or mission statement. 


A clear value proposition and mission statement are crucial for the Cherry Credits Business website to effectively communicate what the company does and its unique value to its target audience. It's important to consider the target audience, unique value, benefits, and brand personality when developing them. A crafted value proposition and mission statement can help visitors understand the company's services and benefits.

Call to Action

As there is no CTA button on the previous Cherry Credits Business, whereby the CTA actually is important.


A clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA) button is essential for encouraging visitors to engage with a company's products or services. When designing the CTA button, consider its placement, color, size, and messaging. By incorporating a clear and prominent CTA button, visitors are more likely to take action and engage with the company.



Having a mobile-friendly website is a must in today's digital age as it can result in increased engagement and better user experience.


When designing a mobile-friendly website, it's important to consider responsive design, navigation, font size and readability, and page speed.


By optimizing for these factors, visitors will be more likely to stay on the site, engage with the content, and take desired actions, leading to increased conversions and business success.

Email Sign Up Forms

When asking visitors to sign up for a service or product, it's important to be transparent about what they are signing up for and to make the value proposition clear.


To achieve this, you should communicate the value proposition clearly, avoid using misleading language, provide additional information, and make the sign-up process easy and straightforward. By doing so, you can build trust with your users and encourage them to sign up for your service or product for the right reasons, ultimately leading to more engaged users and increased business success.

Forget The Fold

Don't believe the myth that users don't scroll below the fold on a web page.


Scrolling is a natural action for internet users and there are studies that prove this. While content above the fold may get more attention, it's not necessary to cram everything into that space.


Here are some of the takeaways that we learnt, seek critical feedback early.

The team learned that seeking critical feedback early is important. They faced technical difficulties while launching the revamped consumer site, so they decided to launch the business site first to allow the Business Development team to continue acquiring partners and merchants. This enabled a streamlined team effort and ensured business growth while technical issues were being fixed.

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